Born in: 24th May 2000
In principal organist position from 1st October 2020
In regenschori position from 1st October 2022
Phone number: +420 737 125 087, E-mail:
He studies in Vienna at Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna in organ class of Univ.-Prof. Johannes Ebenbauer.
In 2022 he completed his organ studies at the Conservatory of the Evagelical Academy in Olomouc under the guidance of his supervisor MgA. Karel Martínek.
During his studies, Jiří has participated in the national conservatory festival. He has also performed at many concerts in Czech Republic as well as in Austria and Poland. He continues to extend his skills both by attending courses led by leading world organists (O. Latry, H. Leenders, M. Verheggen, T. Ospital etc.) and through private lessons with two Parisian organists (Frederic Blanc, Thomas Ospital).
In 2018 he attended Pro Bohemia international competition in Ostrava followed by London Organ Competition for young organists in 2019. Besides the organ playing, he also enjoys improvising, singing as well as conducting.
Head organists | Time period |
Jacobus | 1539 - ? |
Peter Schwartz | 1545 - 1548 |
Nicolaus Hanco z Hoyn u Lehnice | 1548 - 1550 |
Vincencius | 1557 - 1560 |
Mathias Morgenbrot | 1560 - 1562 |
Georgius Gotter z Vroclavi (Brelasu) | 1562 - 1565 |
Martin zvaný „Niederländer“ též „Polonius“ | 1565 - 1580 |
Georgius Tarco z Litovle | 1580 - 1585 |
Albertus Herder | 1585 - 1588 |
Michael Hanzen | 1588 - 1589 |
Michael Heintz | 1589 - 1620 |
Joannes Seb | 1620 - 1622 |
Ambrož Conata z Bělé (Ziltz) | 1622 - ? |
Andreas Exler | 1684 - 1694 |
Ernst Fridrich Heen | 1694 - 1709 |
Jacobo Inocens Seemann | 1709 - 1720 |
Philiph Czerny | 1720 - ? |
Josef Hofmann | ? - 1759 |
Johann Ignaz Bayer | 1759 - ? |
Henricus Fitzke | ? - 1769 |
Wenzel Ewald | 1769 - 1799 |
Jacob Gschlad | 1799 - 1807 |
Florian Schön | 1807 - 1828 |
Mauritz Kunerth | 1828 - 1857 |
Josef Tjuka | 1857 - 1881 |
August Petyrek | 1881 - 1884 |
Vinzens Schindler | 1884 - 1907 |
Johann Spacek (Špaček) | 1907 - 1924 |
Josef Cikán, sl. Vernerová, Bergmann | 1924 - 1937 |
Rudolf Fridrich (uprchlík z Opavy) | 1937 - 1945 |
Antonín Schindler | 1945 - 2010 |
Karel Martínek | 2010 - 2019 |
Jiří Stodůlka | 2020 - trvá |
Assistant organists after 1989: J. Gottwald, L. Kuncová, L. Kunc, J. Moravec, V. Poštulka, V. M. Uhlíř |
Regenschori | In function from |
Simon Bernt | 1538 |
Georgius Weiss | 1539 |
Bartholomeus | 1540 |
Tomas Mändel | 1542 |
Johann Tauber | 1543 |
Konrad | 1545 |
Nikolaus Hanko z Hoyn u Lehnice | 1550 |
Jacobus Wachauvius | 1555 |
Bartholomeus | 1556 |
Klement Quasitius ze Šariše | 1558 |
Johann Jakub | 1558 |
Clement Kindler | 1561 |
Jiří Havel z Mohelnice | 1567 |
Jacobus Gallus Handel | 1571 |
Johann Kuhn ze Slezska (též Kunn) | 1575 |
Martin Budke | 1578 |
Johannes Gerletus | 1585 |
Johann Dolschneider | 1594 |
Wolfgang Gracelius | 1599 |
Johannes Germanus | 1602 |
Jakub Findler | 1609 |
Andreas Leaits | 1612 |
Simon Hehler | 1619 |
Gottfried Raymund Keller | 1659 |
Bernardus Thomas Sokol | 1659 |
Thomas Josef Finger | 1719 |
Thomas Seemann | 1765 |
Giuseppe Raymund Keller | 1765 |
Carlo Francesco Müller | 1774 |
Franz Ostrý | 1804 |
Wilhelm Hübl (Hübel) | 1806 |
Anton Karger | 1824 |
Augustin Kouřil | 1834 |
Vladimir Labler | 1868 |
Johann Spacek (Špaček) | 1924 |
Jaroslav Budík | 1937 |
The city does not pay for the church employees - the function of head organist and regenschori was merged |